Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mohawk Community Builders Poster - Process


This is the first step, I went through a rough draft of what I wanted to do. I started with the hands around the top of the poster, getting an idea of each hand holding a piece to the puzzle, literally building the house out of pieces.


I then made a more detailed and clean drawing of the hands, I didn't draw the house at this stage because I was working in photoshop and couldn't make straight lines well. I gave all the hands the proper amount of detail, like the creases in each palm.


I then added both the color and the shading to the hands, making each hand a different color, showing people of each race helping out. I did a fair bit of shadowing, trying not to do too much because I wanted it to be a bright image and have the hands stand out against the background.


This is where I brought in both the house and the puzzle pieces. I drew the house in Illustrator and brought it in as a placed file, then messed around with it a bit. I used the puzzle piece pattern to figure out which pieces I wanted to cut out and the pieces I wanted to put in each hand.


Here I planned out where each piece would sit in each hand and which pieces were being taken out.


I fast forwarded a bit here and put all the colour in and the cut out of each piece. I decided to make the background a gradient to incorporate Mohawk into it. I added a small inner shadow to the pieces that were cut out, trying to give it a more 3d feel and a certain amount of depth to the image. I also added a few houses beside the middle house to make it more of a community feel, as if the buildings were already built, and the middle one was next.

Poster Final

This is the final image, I placed the logo into the bottom left and gave a small quote that I felt belonged in the image.

I hope you all like this, and I had quite a bit of fun (and time) put into this design.

Thank you.

Mohawk Community Builders Logo

Mohawk Community Builders Logo

So this is the logo that I designed for the project. I changed it quite a bit from my original design, however I find I like this one a lot better than the original. I structured the Mohawk "m" logo to look like buildings, and gave them a cool perspective, coloring them of course in the Mohawk colors. I added the colored top to the hard hat to incorporate it more with the Mohawk logo, uniting them both in the design. The text I forget the name of the font I chose but I feel it gives off a good "construction" like feel and works with the design.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


This is the image I made for the word "Duet" For the record I do not listen to Lady Gaga, not really into her kind of music but the fact that Eric Cartman from South Park did a full cover of it, I could not resist. I can't stop listening to that song and had the idea for this image as my Illustration Friday submission clear when I saw the word. I again did simple colors, I gave some shading to Lady Gaga but non to Eric because there is no real shading in South Park. I made Gaga in sort of my own rendition of what she would wear, giving her sort of an ice queen kind of feel.

The background I actually spent a little time on, doing a couple of cool photoshop filter techniques to get the streaming colours right. It was fun to learn these kinds of things.

New Toy

This is what I envision when I think of getting a new toy haha. I love giant robots, Gundam's in specific and I wanted to showcase both it and me standing on it's shoulder. I did simple colors with a lot of detaiil going into the pen values, using hatching and some cross hatching to get certain parts darker. Like the hair, I did a lot of hatching to make that as dark s it is.


So this is my illsutration for the word "Sweater". I wanted to do Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street right from the beginning when the word popped up. He is always wearing that sweater in the movies is one of the things he is most recognized for, besides the knife hands and the nightmare killings of course. I grew up watching these movies a along with Jason Vorhees, he is one of my favorite movie characters. I did this image in a traditional paint style, placing more detail on the face. I added some dark shadowing to immerse himself into the background, as he is a horror character, black is the best background to put him against. I made the word sweater to resemble blood, thinking it would tie in nicely with the image. Also giving a little bit of a joke about the sweater.